Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Filling daddy's shoes.

Here Taylor takes off in his daddy's work boots. He always runs off with someone's shoes.

Well we did not have the heavy rain we were expecting. There have been showers but for a 90% prediction we did not get anything. We are still due for more tomorrow and Thursday.

Had a Mary Kay party at Brandi's tonight. It was fun. I like their product. I will host party next and will let Brandi know my date.

April 1st tomorrow. Doc and Renee's Anniversary. April Fools Day to. Guess I'll have to be on guard with the sisters thinking I will be pulling some trick on them. Unless.....hmmmmm I'll be thinking about it all night.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


It started out just a few pieces of paper. From somewhere I had to come up with a title, Hmmmm...."Fish Bait". The whole thing became clear in my mind. Taylor, my grandson, and his delight with worms. It was easy after that. Put three of his pictures in and gbave the details. I drew in the cork and the worm on the hook and attached the flower. The bottom has a picture of a bird and a catpillar. It turned out perfect. I bought a frame and will give the picture to him for his room.
Had a very busy day today. This morning Susan called she was going to Houma after her hair cut and did I want to go. Of course. Bev had not called yet about the party so I had Sam bring me to Thibodaux so I could meet Susan at the old K Mart building. We went to Hobby Lobby and stopped at the Burger King for lunch and then she brought me home.
Beverly had called me at 10:30 that the party for Ray was still on so Sam and I went over there for a little while. Then we left, came home and got ready for church . Shirley picked me up and Sam went in his truck. We all went eat at Politz . This was a very full day.

Friday, March 27, 2009


This is all that I have left if the nest and the eggs. I was so upset. The roar of the wind and the cracking in the walls had me jumping out of bed and running down the hall. Bt the time I made it to the back door to check the nest was already gone. I could not go outside as the weather was to bad . This morning Samuel came tell me what a mess we had outside and I had to go out and see what I could find. There were the little egg shells broken and lying in the mud and grass and the nest was not far away. We had broken tree branches all over the yard on the side of the house andflower pots and plants broken and dumped over all over the carport. The neighbor had two trees that snapped in half with one landing in his yard and the other across the street in the neighbor's yard. It wa really scary. Renee texted me and said they were in their closet cause they heard the roar of the wind and then something hit her house. She and Travis each grabbed a kid and ran for the closet. News today is that we're to expect more tonight and I'm afraid that as I am typing this I think I heard "thunder!"

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I was worried that the bad stormy weather last night might have harmed the nest and the eggs but this morning when I went out to check mama was on the nest and I kind of surprised her (and she surprised me) and she perched on the edge of the flower post and was checking out all directions. I froze as I was with the camera in my hand and clicked . She flew into the tree but did not go far.
The weather was rough here (at 3:00 a.m.) for about 25 minutes and we collected 2.36 inches of rain in that time. It was really pouring down and I could not see out of my own yard. I had had Sam put a support post against the baker's rack so it would not topple in the weather.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Here is mommy bird. She flew into this tree when I drove up this afternoon. I hope the bad weather does not move the nest this evening. We will do what we can to protect it without getting to close.


Mama has surprised me and has added another egg to the nest. Does that now mean that she has one set of triplets and one extra. We are expecting bad weather this afternoon and I'm hoping the nest does not get blown away.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring is here and my flowers are doing their part. These are so pretty. We had a few drops of rain in Thibodaux this afternoon. I don't know if it rained here. I saw that Sameul did put some plants in the garden. I also checked on mama bird and she was sitting on her precious eggs when I drove in this evening. She poked her head over the top of the next to check things out.

I went visit Shirley for awhile this afternoon after work. She needs the cruise to get herself together. She needs a break from work.

I visited Beverly yesterday and looked at her pictures from her vacation to Washington. They were fantastic. They were so interesting . She visited some really great sights. Beverly loves history so she absorbed as much as she could. She had a great visit.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mama's nest.

This is mommy bird sitting on the nest. I thik she was laying the eggs . She never moved when I left for work. I used the close up option on my camera to get her picture. I hope the babies hatch soon.

What a surprise, Easter eggs provided by nature.

What a wonderful surprise. I had noticed this bird building a nest on my baker's rack that I display my plants on the carport. Then this morning I noticed the bird was sitting in the nest and she did not move when I went out to my car. I came home at noon and put the ladder near the baker's rack and then climbed up and took a peek and there they were, three beautiful little blue eggs. I hope to keep track of this little family. The squirrels best leave them alone or we may have squirrel stew for supper.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today we went to Walker to visit with Sam Jr., Tammy and Daylon. We had no trouble finding the place. We left right after 8:00 a.m. mass. Daylon is getting longer and can do so much more. He is sitting up on his own and crawling . He says Da-da-da now and still is one happy baby and content. Sam Jr. cooked dinner for us and we watched a movie on Tv. I really think we all took cat naps . We left around 4:oo or 5:00 p.m. to come home.
We stopped to see Susan for a few minutes. She looked exhausted. She says she will try returning to work tomorrow. She will be drained mentally and physically. She has been on her feet since she heard her brother had the heart attack. We only stayed a short time and then we stopped at Karen's to hear about the cruise and see her photos. She has some beautiful pictures. They had a good time even though they were sick part of the time due to rough seas and their room being right at the front of the ship. I had typing tonight so we were not long.
renee called and said the boys loved the 4 wheel show. It only lasted 1 and 1/2 hrs but that is long enough for kids. All in all it was a good Sunday.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

This was the Saturday that we met at Scrapicilious for our Stampin-up day. Susan was at the funeral for her brother and Ray was out of town for a test she had to take. Earline was able to make the meeting and this was the lay out for the album page. I used mine to prepare for Taylors pictures with the worms he loves to play with when fishing at Karens. He likes to watch the worm shirvel up and then stretch out as it moves along. He pets it and swings it around but would never break a peice for the hook or cut one. It really upsets him. I thik I did ok with the placements and notes.

I went to Renee's this evening . They had boiled crawfish and were they good. They were awesome. My son-in-law knows what he is doing. Tate had to take a dip in the pool today. Finally his goose bumps were making waves and his teeth chattering so much he could not talk. Couldn't tell him though the water was still to cold. Tomorrow they are going to a 4 wheeler show at the Houma civic center. I got the tickets from Charter. They will love it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is one of the new cards that I made this evening. My way of unwinding after woek. I could do it all day really.

Had lunch with Shirley today. She had me fill her money order and do the certified mail bit to send in her application for her concealed weapon . We had lunch at Boudreaux's in Chackbay cause she did not want anyone to see her from her office. Guess what? Yep just as we entered the door there was two women that worked for other attorney's. What luck. She was taking the rest of the afternoon off cause she had such bad chest pains from using a heavy shovel this past weekend. I called later in the evening to check on her.

I spoke with Susan also today. SHe did not get much sleep but she had company coming by all day and phone calls to answer so she was up and about early. She will be leaving tomorrow to go to New Orleans for the funeral service. The will be staying overnight at the funeral home and the rest of the family will be at the motel. The wake is Friday evening and the funeral on Saturday. I really wish we could go but we don't know our way around over there and with New Orleans the way it is now I don't think I want to chance getting lost. I haven't seen her all week.

Thank goodness its Friday tomorrow. Half a day at work and I hope to nap in the afternoon. I have a Stampin up party on Saturday and Sam Jr. would like us to join them on Sunday to go to Amite for the Oyster festival.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Very sad new today. Susan's brother Ronnie passed away this afternoon from a massive heart attack that he suffered on Monday. He was 57 years old. His name is Ronnie Dugas. He is survived by his wife , three sons , two daughters and his sisters Susan Gautreaux and Vickie Hebert. The funeral arrangements will be held in New Orleans . The world has stopped for them and there fore nothing else should be discussed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This is my sister Sandra with her grandson visiting me at my office. He is getting to be a real little character. She is finding out that when you havethe grandkids its a full time thing. He is so tiny though.

WEll the sun was out today and the rain let up for awhile. I had a Dr. appointment today for new bloodpressure meds and to set date for blood work. Just got new eye glasses and now with the medical doctor. Have to check the blood sugar on Thursday. A note of sad news . Susan called me yesterday to tell me her brother had a massive heart attack. I was shocked. He is but 57 years old. She said he is at Oschner in New Orleans. She called me again today and said that there is no brain activity but his heart is beating strong and his blood pressure is fine. He is not breathing his own though and it does not look good. This will be very hard for her . I have been praying for her and her brother. It is in His hands now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Look at the smile on that face. He is so proud of the card that he made for his mom. I had him spending a coupleof daus here during Mardi Gras week. I let his use some of my card making supplies.

It was a dreary rainy day today. I had to pick up my eye glasses at the Dr.'s office today. Good thing since I had broken the branch on my old pair. At noon I went out a got a chicken burger and then returned to the clinic to take a nap. I got to sleep for a couple of hours. I needed it.

My best friend Susan called this evening andtold me her one and only brother had a massive heart attack at work today. She is at the hospital with her sister and sister-in-law. She said he has not regained conciousness. I have prayed as soon as she hung up the phone. This will be so hard on her. They will deceide in the morning what they will do. We pray for his recovery or at least a chance for them to say goodby.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The weekend

This was Taylor Friday evening. He has on Tat'e carnival hat and gloves and says they are his motor bike clothes. He was going to the motor bike show in New Orleans on Saturday. He ended up coming sleep at my house Friday night cause he did not want me to leave. I love having the kids come sleep. They usually sleep with me and are asleep as soon as their little heads touch the pillows.

We went visit them today and they were their usual wild selves. They will have to wound down for the evening. WE had rain all day yesterday, nothing heavy just a steady light rain fall. It is starting up again this evening and will probably be with us all day tomorrow. What a pleasant thought for the begining of the work week. Have lots to get done this week. Dr. Appoinbtment on Tuesday. Medical Managers's meetinig on Wednesday, Payday and on the weekend a Stampin-up Party at Scrapilicious.

This is a baby crane. He has been feeding in the ditch not far from my house. I have been watching him every day trying for a good photo. I managed to get several and this is one of my favorites.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I wondered why the date bothered me all day. I knew it was important. It is my dad's birthday. He has been gone a long time now and I think I miss him more now than I did when he first died. Its hardest in the fall when he loved to hunt. I think I got my wonder and appreciation of nature from him. He certainly loved the outdoors. I have tried to experience some of the things that he had always wanted to do. I went to Alberta Canada and Nova Scotia cause he would have loved being there. I just miss ya daddy , so very very much. I love you always.
Isn't this bird pretty? I love to watch them feed. They raise up their long skinny legs as they take cautious steps to sneak up on a meal. I have photographed one flying away with a fron hanging from it's beak. That the food chain for ya. I was on my way home from work and this particular bird has been feeding in a ditch near my home. I was watching for it and managed to get several photos of it yesterday.I love doing nature pictures. These cranes are everywhere around here and when they nest all in one area it is so pretty to see all the white against the dark trees. I am hoping to get a photo of that one day.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I can't hold out any longer. These are very stressful times. We keep hearing of more and more people loosing their jobs. Its scary. We are just two of us and we are having a hard time making ends meet. As an ordinary citizen I have to depend that the people we elected are going to work to help things get back to normal but ' "how" is the big question! Samuel has a lawn care business and I work as an office manager. He barely works. It was a long winter and the grass doesn't exactly grow in the winter. We have to depend on his social security. I am working every day and my pay check keeps us going. The pressure is getting harder and harder as he does less and I have to do more. I am not alone. There are many of us in the same boat. We keep bailing and bailing and just hope the seas don't get so rough that the boat is swamped. One day at a time, one day at the time....what a way to live when you want a future for your children.....!!! We certainly don't wantto have to become a burden on our children. I would gladly do what I could for them but they have their own burdens and as a parent our roles are to help them . Its them I worry about. Then I remember I am suppose to have Faith and depend that God will help us along.

Nothing like having the boys together for a fishing trip. This is in my sister's pond which is near our house. The kids love going over to fish and its so convient for us. Paw Paw is always showing them "how to do it".

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This greeting card is posted to www.splitcoaststampers along with a few other cards I have created.
Another busy day. Saw the eye doctor and needed new glasses . Next was the beauty salon and had my hair cut. It is just right and hope she can do it the same before the cruise. After that I met my friend to have a notery stamp some papers for us. From there I rushed over to Wal Mart and what a treat...found 4 pair of crop pants and two shirts. Now I have all I need for the cruise. All this was done from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Whew. My eyes were driving me crazy all afternoon and I had to use the new eye drops the doctor gave me. This evening I worked on greeting cards and hope to have a few on display. Its early to bed tonight . We have Taylor tomorrow and I really am looking forward to that.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here Tate proudly shows a card that he made for his mom. He spent two days with us during Mardi Gras week and he likes watching me make cards.
Wednesday March 4th, 2009

Good gosh I can't make heads or tails out of this blog business. I don't understand where to look for directions and what directions I do find I apparently don't understand. I feel so ignorant. I need help or this will be just to frustrating. I will have to just keep trying. Tomorrow is a busy day. I have a Dr. Appointment for glasses , then a haircut and then meet Shirley. I need some time off.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gosh what a day!. Typical Monday I guess when you work . The morning started off early as my husband put a burner on the stove and was heating the handle on a small frying pan on another burner. The smoke alarm went off and he's going around looking for what is making the noise.He is the one that put up the alarms!. I was busy all morning and met my husband for lunch. I must have eaten something bad as the whole afternoon I suffered from stomach cramps. Could be a virus to as they are flying around here. I'm better now though so its a good evening. I will be working on a greeting card for a friend and they catching up on my transcription work . Hope everyone had a good day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

These are the grandsons. The reason for being. What are memories if not lessons for the future. These treasures are my future.